How to set up tmux to duplicate a pane, even when logged in to a remote server
Reference - Thanks To Kamil Maciorowski
Often, when I’m working on a server, I want to open a new pane on the same server. But it’s troublesome to reconnect, so I looked into ways to duplicate my connection without login in again. Here’s how I have configured ssh and tmux to do this!
SSH Multiplexing
First I set up ssh multiplexing
Create the folder ~/.ssh/sessions/
Then, in your ~/.ssh/config
-file add:
### Multiplexing ###
Host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/sessions/%C
ControlPersist 1h
This sets ssh to handle your sessions in a file, so that when you connect to the same server twice it will use the same session (so you don’t have to log in again).
To set up tmux, we have to create a scriptfile in $PATH
and add and bind it in tmux.
First make sure that you path is set up to search in the ~/bin
Run echo $PATH
and look for /home//bin. if it’s not there you can use /usr/local/bin
Create the ~/bin
-folder if it’s not there and it’s in the $PATH
Create the ~/bin/_tmux_duplicate_pane
-file (or /usr/local/bin/_tmux_duplicate_pane
) and add:
set -e
pid="$(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_pid}')"
pid="$(ps -o tpgid:1= -p "$pid")"
dir="$(readlink -f "/proc/$pid/cwd")"
cd -- "${dir:?}"
exe="$(readlink -f "/proc/$pid/exe")"
readarray -d '' args <"/proc/$pid/cmdline"
tmux split-window "$@" -c "$dir" bash -c "exec -a ${name@Q} ${exe@Q} ${args[*]@Q}"
To bind it in tmux, add this to the ~/.tmux.conf
-file, and restart tmux:
bind-key -T prefix u run-shell _tmux_duplicate_pane
When this is set up, you should be able to log into a server over ssh, press the tmux prefix (default: ctrl-b) and u
, and continue in a new pane with the same session.
If not, LET ME KNOW!